SitePad Editor Update
Hi, We have released few updates on SitePad Editor server this month and here are the details: 1) [Feature] Added Support for RSS Feed. You can access your RSS feed at 2) [Feature] Added an option to use the email provided by the users in Contact Form as Reply To email for the email that is received by the admin when any visitor submits the Contact Form. This can be configured from the SitePad Editor Contact Form widget. 3) [Feature] Added option to use custom recipient and sender and subject for separate contact forms. This can be configured by assigning unique IDs to your contact forms from the editor and then creating templates with these IDs from SitePad panel -> Settings -> Contact Form page. 4) [Update] Added an option in "Icon" widget to open URL link in New tab. 5) [Update] Added option to show text over Image in the Image widget. 6) [Update] Added possibility to use the comma in the counter displayed in the theme(s) which use the counter. 7) [Update] Changed the duplicate object and delete object icons in SitePad editor. 8) [Update] Updated Russian translations. 9) [Bug Fix] In Grid Gallery, the Gallery module had a bug when multiple galleries were added on the same page. The images in the first gallery were displayed in the other galleries. This has been fixed now. 10) [Bug Fix] In Grid Gallery "Gallery" module when Pagination was enabled the caption were not visible. This has been fixed now. 11) [Bug Fix] When Cloning an existing page with custom styles defined using Edit Elements the custom styles were not cloned. This has been fixed now. 12) [Bug Fix] When post slider was added in the Header and the "Posts type" option was set to pages it did not allow the user to Edit any pages. It showed an error message "content missing". This has been fixed now. Regards, The SitePad Team
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