Frequently Asked Questions

Can I install SitePad even if I am a reseller?

No, For installing SitePad root SSH details are required since reseller does not have access to root SSH details reseller will not be able to install SitePad.

How can I provide SitePad even if I am a reseller?

You can ask your host to install SitePad for you. But all the users on the server where SitePad is installed will be able to use SitePad.

Clients are unable to access SitePad it shows only Blank Page with SitePad Logo

This case usually occurs when SitePad Server IP is being blocked by the firewall (for cPanel its due to CongfigServer Security Firewall). Allowing the IP would solve the issue. If you still see the same page after allowing the IP then you can open a Support Ticket with us so we can debug the issue for you.

Clients are Unable to access SitePad it shows "Error finding your website"

This error usually occurs when Host changes Custom Server Host from SitePad Admin Panel. Since SitePad mirror servers are independent and the data/accounts created on one server is not available on the other server causing this error.If you have not made any changes to your site with SitePad you can delete the following folder: 


and then when you access SitePad it will create a new account on the new server you selected.If you have already modified your site and want to migrate your data to the new server you can let us know through Support Ticket.

Unable to Add New Site it says "Email is invalid"

It seems there is no email set for the cPanel account you are logged in to. Please edit the cPanel user account and enter an email for that account and then this should work fine.

After Publishing the new Site it still shows my Old Site

It seems the DirectoryIndex setting in your apache has index.php has the higher preference as compared to index.htmlThe website created by SitePad has index.html file and the website you were using previously has index.php file. Due to this when you visit your domain without the filename in the browser it loads the index.php file due to higher preference.In order to resolve this either change the DirectoryIndex on your server to have index.html have a higher preference than index.php. You can do this using .htaccess or you can contact your web host regarding this.Or you can rename the index.php file to index.php.bak, so that Apache will not find the index.php file and will load index.html

You can read more about DirectoryIndex here :

Unable to Publish Site it says "Domain missing"

It usually happens when you see an empty domain name on Site on top navbar on SitePad Editor Dashboard or if you have changed your main domain.You can fix the issue by going to SitePad Dashboard > Sites > All Sites > Click on Edit Icon for the site that is not showing domain or the one which is showing old domain > Select your domain from the drop-down for the Site Address > Click on Save.

Unable to receive Emails from Contact Form

  1. Firstly check if you have configured the Contact Form Mail Function properly. You can check the documentation on How to Configure SMTP/PHP Mail.
  2. If the given functions are configured properly and you are still not receiving any email from contact form then confirm with your host if they have disabled PHP Mail or is the SMTP Port Blocked. If its either of the case then you can confirm with your host on How to Resolve the issue.
  3. Sometimes the email from the contact form are sent to SPAM. You can check the SPAM Box for the email. If it is still not there then please open a Support Ticket with us so that we can resolve the issue for you.
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